Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A New Blog

So pretty much every day, I think to myself, "I should write this down somewhere. I'm going to want to remember it someday." So I will use this as a dumping ground for those thoughts and maybe, if I get really good I will find the camera and there will be pictures too. Don't hold your breath on that one though. Today a plumber came to my house. Well, not just randomly showed up or anything, I called and scheduled an appointment. We had water in our basement and weren't sure where it was coming from. The guy that came couldn't fix our problem, some other guy has to come out and give us an estimate because fixing the problem will require ripping out walls. Sounds like fun, no? Owning a house is pretty expensive... My friend Amanda and her kids came to hang out this morning. As usual her kids come up with things that Elijah would never think of doing on his own, including pretending to cut Amanda's hair with toy scissors and toy knives. Also, Jack found it hilarious that Elijah calls naps "snoozers." Yes, I do use creative vocabulary to get my two-year-old to nap and no, I am not ashamed of it. When someone was here helping with the kids after I had my appendix out (that happened exactly two weeks ago. Not a great idea to have emergency surgery two months after giving birth, but who says that I have ever had great ideas?) my Moby Wrap got put away. That's a good thing because it hasn't been put away since we moved here at the end of July, but a bad thing because since it isn't living on my living room floor I have no idea where it is. This makes for one cranky baby. Maybe I'll find it tomorrow. Also I should go switch the laundry. Only I think there is laundry already in the dryer, which means folding, and I only have one arm free right now, due to the missing Moby problem. Guess Curtis will have to switch the laundry for me. :)