Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Paige inspired post.

So Paige V. wrote a lovely post about Lindsay Lohan. At the end she asked people what makes our mom moments worth it, although in slightly different terms. You'll have to read the post yourself to find out what exactly her terms were, because I don't want Paige to accuse me of plagiarism. So in the last post I wrote about why I love Rachel so much right now, so here are some of Elijah's best moments right now. -He loves to sing "Amazing Grace." It sounds something like this, "Mazing gwace, how sweet the sound that saved a wreck wike meeeeee I once was wost but now am fond was bwind but now I see." He sings all four verses although sometimes mixes them up a bit, which makes it all the harder to not crack up at his singing, which would be bad because he is VERY serious about it. -While we were reading the Bible together the other day, sin was mentioned. I asked Elijah was sin was and he said "When we d-obey God." Because, well evidently he is a gangster. When I asked him who forgives sins he said, "The cross." Wasn't exactly what I was going for, but also wasn't totally wrong. -He pulled his high chair tray to the ground the other day, spilling some oats on the ground. He says, "Uh-oh. Lijah make a mess. Lijah cwean up." He then walked over got the Swiffer, and pushed around the oats, in an attempt to fix his mistake. -He also likes to say "SHHHHHH!" at the top of his lungs while his sister is napping, so as to help me stay quiet while she sleeps. -Last week, he went with his grandma to Target to buy things for an Operation Christmas Child box. Grandma told him that they weren't going to buy toys for him, because these were toys for children who didn't have any. The next day we went back to Target and as we were pulling into the parking lot, he said, "Today, Lijah get toys." Evidently the selflessness lesson was lost on him. Oh well, maybe next year. I think I'll stop there, but you are right Paige, being a mom can be a really gross and exhausting job, but also an awesome one.

1 comment:

  1. oh, so sweet! (my kids did the same thing with our OCC attempt - atticus cried when we had to put the toy excavator in a box for another kid.)
